Saturday, August 20, 2011

my little bean is two plus a smidge (part1)

once upon a time there was a little family who lived in florida: a mommy, a daddy, a furry son, and the cutest little baby bean that ever was.  it is a good thing that that little baby bean was so cute because she was the neediest little bean anyone had ever met.  her mommy and her daddy did everything they could to keep her happy and comfy.  one day, the little bean went to see her doctor who recommended a blood test to find out if the bean was suffering from any allergies; bean's mommy could not bring herself to subject her little body to a blood test as from reading as much information as she could regarding allergies she decided that bean could not possibly be suffering from food allergies!  (besides, bean's mommy tried an elimination diet to see if that made bean more comfortable).

so one day bean, daddy, and mommy decided to take a long plane trip to washington to visit gramma and papa. and boy, oh boy did bean have the best snacks of her life on that trip: homemade chex mix; crackers and cheese; milk and cookies; peanut butter sandwiches with the crust cut off; and of course, chocolate.  two days after arriving at gramma and papa's house, it became glaringly apparent that bean was having some severe gastro-intestinal issues (i.e. no poo for 3 days).  and when things finally began moving along, bean screamed and screamed and cried so, that mommy was crying right along side of her.  mommy was believed it had to be a one-time occurrence as bean had NEVER had such a problem before; and since arriving in washington she been eating her regular diet of sweet potatoes, bm, milk, and some toast...well so much for what mommy knew or thought she knew.

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