Sunday, May 22, 2011

lucy and her papa

lucy and her papa have one very special bond; it was apparent from their first meeting and solidified during their last visit.
my parents came out for a visit while lucy and i were holding down the fort here and jeff was catching the bad guys out at sea--an extended visit i might add.  during the weeks they were here lucy and her papa became an inseparable pair: playing in the sand, riding their 'horses', weeding the garden, riding in the stroller, etc.  not only was i happy that lucy (willingly) spent time with people other than her mama and dada, i found myself a little nostalgic, reminiscing over the fun times i had with my dad when i was a little girl. it seems that all too often good memories are shoved out by current situation, obligation, and worry.  makes my heart smile to see.  

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