Tuesday, May 4, 2010

what it is and what it ain't :0)

Pretty much from implantation on, free-flowing advice ranging from how to prevent morning sickness and how to determine the gender of the baby to what and when to feed my little darling and what I should expect of her at any given stage, has spilled from the lips of strangers, I wish-they-were-strangers, friends, parents, in-laws, and all of the well-wishers in between; this is not my purpose here (unsolicited advice giving, that is).

This forum is dedicated to anything and everything I feel like expressing about my little, my dog, our experiences, my rants (and raves) about anything from ill-informed advice-givers to my rose garden; it is not for the thin-skinned nor the weak of heart ;o).

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Welcome to the blogging world:) You have, in part, inspired me to start blogging again.

    I had given it up for almost a year.

    Cannot wait to see what gems of wisdom you pass on!!!
